Infant Jesus Matriculation Higher Secondary School
Sanganur main road, Coimbatore - 641027
(Sanganur and Rathinapuri Campus)

From the Correspondent's Desk
Dr. D. Selvanathan, M.Sc., Acup.,
Infant Jesus Matric. Hr. Sec. School Coimbatore

My wonderful regards on behalf of the family "Infant Jesus Matriculation Higher Secondary School" (IJMHSS). It is my pleasure, to welcome you to one of the finest educational institutions be it at Sanganoor or Rathinapuri campus.
As parents, selecting a school for your child is one of the most pivotal decisions you make. School education is the cornerstone of wisdom for any child. Children gain confidence by attaining perfection in both, fine motor skills and gross motor skills at these young ages.
We, at IJMHSS, strive to bring the best in our children in every way possible by sculpting them into responsible individuals for the future nation. The highly qualified and intellectual faculty at IJMHSS never fail to bring tremendous energy, expertise, and enthusiasm to lessons and always focus on enabling the growth and development of each individual child.
When we choose teachers, we prioritize their passion for teaching and their love for working with children. We truly believe that a teacher who is passionate about the subject and the children will possess extraordinary teaching skills.
Children learn best when they feel a connection with the teacher who values them and their opinions. In the present era, technology is an integral part of education and we at IJMHSS provide state-of-the-art audiovisual media classrooms to make the children’s lessons come alive. We mainly focus on experiential and hands-on learning.
The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
We at IJMHSS sculpt our children into better individuals by nurturing them to think intensively, critically and carve them into sculptures of humane characters – Responsible human beings.
With blessings and Prayers,
Dr. D. Selvanathan

Welcome & wish you all a very Happy and fruitful academic year.
I would like to thank the Almighty for His multifarious blessing in the past and for placing ourselves under his protection and guidance for the future.
We have completed 34 years of dedication, hard work, and sincerity in our Endeavour for providing quality education. To cope with the modern method of education the management is upgrading the infrastructure and increasing the facilities for students. It has been our Endeavour to bring out the best providing the latest methodology to ensure our children grow up and develop all-around personalities. The digital classes launched in 2012 have helped our students to go beyond the confines of the class.
Besides, Infant Jesus Matric. Hr. Sec. School has been greatly enriched by dedicated teaching faculty. Dear children, school is a temple of knowledge and your teachers show you the right path to knowledge. All you have to do is to have an aim and work on everything that takes to get lift-off. Focus on your goals and study hard with devotion.
With Best Wishes,
Mrs. Julia Selvanathan
Mrs. Julia Selvanathan, M.A., M.Ed.,
Infant Jesus Matric Hr. Sec. School Coimbatore- 641 027
From the Principal’s Desk
Mrs. Hemalatha, M.A., B.Ed.,
Infant Jesus Matric. Hr. Sec. School
Infant Jesus Matric Hr. Sec. School has completed 37 years of glorious service to society since 1986. It has come a long way from its humble beginning and a rugged travel. The indomitable and insurmountable blessing of Lord Infant Jesus and the spirit of infinites has taken us through hard times and challenges to success. Our school’s performance synonymous with our motto “Duty devotion” has been at the forefront of excellence in both academics and sports. Today the school stands tall in the hearts of the Coimbatoreans and continues to enlighten the lives of thousands of its students.
I would like to express my profound sense of gratitude to the Governing board for their support and guidance and staff for their dedicated and committed efforts to inculcate in the children the moral and social values and instill confidence in them for the all-round development of their personality. I also thank the parents and alumni for their continued interest in the school and overwhelming support.
I leave you with the words of the Almighty
“Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom”
Mrs. S. Hemalatha Paul

Mrs. Musthiri, M.A., B.Ed.,
Vice Principal
Infant Jesus Matric. Hr. Sec. School
It is my privilege to warmly welcome all the students of INFANT JESUS MATRIC HR. SEC. SCHOOL to another exciting year.
Infant Jesus schools curriculum and practices are consistently reviewed to ensure that we are following the most updated best practices, meeting all regulations, and addressing the future needs of our students. One of the largest areas of growth is the increased use of technology in our classrooms.
The students of Infant Jesus are offered many opportunities to explore their interests and investigate new ideas.
“If your plan is for one year, Plant rice,
If your plan is for ten years, Plant trees,
If your plan is for hundred years, Educate Children”.
We are sure that the seeds of wisdom are sworn today in the form of students and shall reap tomorrow in the form of responsible citizens.